These Shining Lives

Play Reading Series

by Melanie Marnich
Directed by Holly Godber

Sponsored by Todd and Julie Brink

Available for On Demand viewing from Friday March 26th 7pm MST – Sunday March 28th 7pm MST

The lives of Catherine Donohue and her three coworkers/friends are shattered when one by one the women begin to fall ill to mysterious ailments. They discover the source of their sickness is radioactive paint used for the watches they paint glow-in the dark faces on, and decide to seek retribution in the form of a class-action lawsuit against their employer, Radium Dial Company. Though the women are doomed to die, their struggle to fix what is broken demonstrates the power of the female spirit despite the curbing of women’s newly won social freedoms during the Great Depression.

Additional Streaming Information:

*This production was pre-recorded on the stage of the Studio Theater with social distancing guidelines and other appropriate safety measures.
-Once purchased, you will have 48 hours to watch the performance.

-Pay What You Want

Check out the Digital Playbill.

Catherine Donohue: Hannah Bowman
Frances: Cassidy Manley
Charlotte: Denny Korb
Pearl: Shelley Fiester
Tom Donohue: Spencer Crawford
Mr. Reed: Richard Wahlstrom
Narrator-Tracy Perdue

How to Watch:
1. Anytime between 7pm MST on Friday March 26th and 7pm MST on Sunday March 28th, go to:

2. Click “Rent Video (48 Hours)” under Video on Demand.

3. Look for the area that says “Would you like to make a donation?”. This is where you enter the amount you would like to pay for your Pay What You Want ticket.

4. After you have finished your order, you download the tickets that will give you access to the stream. An email with a link to your tickets will also be sent. BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER IF NO EMAIL CAN BE LOCATED.

5. Starting on PAGE 2 of the ticket packet, you will find your stream instructions as well as ACCESS CODE. The instructions read as follows:

“You can access the Live Stream/Video using any of these options
1.) Point your mobile camera at the QR code on the ticket and click on the notifications that appears.
2.) Open this PDF in a PDF application and click the word “HERE.”
3.) Go to and enter your access code.

6. Enjoy the show!