The Complete History of America Abridged

By Adam Long, Reed Martin & Austin Tichenor
Directed by Randall K. Brown

March 14 – 30, 2003

A play that gives us our American history in a large dose of breathlessly paced vaudeville sketches, puns and parodies of movie and television genres.  Nothing is sacred, and it’s all done by three actors who play anyone who was anyone in America’s history.

  • Cast

    Mark Mark Barnes 
    Ted  Ted McBride 
    Justin  Justin Speck 
    Female Voice  Angela Rykhus 
    Male Voice  Streeter Shining 
  • Crew

    Director Randall K. Brown
    Assistant Director Streeter Shining 
    Stage Manager Phyllis Barnes 
    Scenic Design Bruce Haasl 
    Lighting Design Justin Speck 
    Property Design Shaye Krcil 
    Costume Design Mary Linda McBride 
    Sound Design Mikal Kraklio