A Flea in Her Ear

November 2 – 11, 2012
By Georges Feydeau
Presented in the Studio Theatre

Raymonde suspects her husband, Victor Emmanuel, of infidelity and she turns to her best friend, Lucienne, to help her gain proof. They concoct a plan, based on a perfumed letter, to trap him at the Hotel Coq d’Or in Montretout. In true Feydeau fashion the plan misfires. The plot is complicated by confused identities, revolving beds, a great many doors, and the fact that the stupid hotel porter, Poche, is the exact double of Victor Emmanuel. This play is said to have set the “pace” that every other farce strived to accomplish. “Fall-out-of-your-seats” non-stop hilarity.  Adult themes: Not recommended for patrons under the age of 13.